Not Dominoes and Pizza Hut! Those are fast-food pizzas. American style starts with real bread cooked on a stone, not with processed, chemical-injected, sugar-filled sandwich bread. Quality cheese and lots of it. Toppings - lots of them with an emphasis on salty meats. No seafood or corn. 不是像達美樂或必勝客速食的披薩!所謂美式披薩是用真材實料做的麵皮,必須要有烤箱石板來烤,所以麵皮不會用加工或者是用了許多化學原料和糖。品質一致及濃郁的起司。配料上用很多,加上天然要加防腐劑的醃製肉品。不用海鮮或罐頭玉米。
Please use Uber Eats for delivery. 如需外送服務,請用Uber Eats.
Do you have special promotions?
如果你在營業當天下午三點之前用網路訂Pizza,不論當天訂單是幾點取餐,都享有一個嗯比薩$30折扣. Yes. If you place a same day order before 3PM on our website, you will get 30NT off per pizza, regardless of the pick up time.
What about specials?
We have a new special, typically every week. Just check the top of our menu. 我們通常每周都有特別優惠。只要到網站上的首頁最上端就可以看到。
What has beef?
Our meatballs have beef and pork. Everything else is beef-free. 我們的肉丸是牛肉和豬肉混合。其他的一律沒有牛肉。
Can you make a buddhist friendly pizza?
No, sorry. 沒有.
Can you make a vegan pizza?
No, sorry. 沒有.
Can I make half my pizza of one type, the other half something different?